

Bigger Picture

Rocks naturally absorb CO₂ when they weather, removing hundreds of millions tonnes of CO₂ from the atmosphere each year. Enhanced weathering accelerates this by exposing large surface areas of CO₂-reacting rocks to a CO₂ source, super-charging one of nature’s own carbon sequestration solutions.

Read more about enhanced weathering ➜

The Problem

Scaling engineered carbon removal needs a parallel increase in permanent sequestration solutions. Currently captured carbon dioxide is used to generate synthetic fuel, in construction materials, as biochar or as plastics. Permanent storage avenues for captured carbon are limited. Saline aquifers and depleted oil reservoirs are the classic targets for carbon storage. However, the specific geographic locations of these reservoirs limits the potential places for carbon removal projects. Since there is limited financial gain associated with carbon sequestration in comparison to utilisation, there is less incentive for investment and innovation. Therefore we need more low cost, accessible strategies to permanently store carbon.

Why CQuestr8?

Speeding up nature CQuestr8 harnesses the natural weathering process of rocks reacting with CO₂ to form bicarbonate.

Permanent carbon sequestration Ocean bicarbonate is the largest carbon stock of any ecosystem, holding 139,000 Gt CO₂. Bicarbonates remain stable in the ocean for thousands of years. CQuestr8 can therefore provide safe and permanent carbon sequestration.

Flexible siting Needing only ocean access, CQuestr8 can be a sequestration partner for carbon capture solutions like Direct Air Capture or Bio Energy with Carbon Capture, cost-effectively locking away the carbon they draw down.

Especially suitable for hard to abate emissions CQuestr8 technology does not require specialised infrastructure or esoteric materials and can be integrated on-site with cement, steel, lime or other point sources that produce high volumes of CO₂, making CO₂ sequestration compelling for these heavy emitters.

Designed by engineers for engineers The basic science is well understood and proven component technologies mean a rapid route to scale and installed solutions familiar to maintain without requiring specialised skills.

CQuestr8 website ➜



