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Bigger Picture

Our soils could provide a low tech, low cost solution to mitigate climate change. Adopting sustainable or regenerative farming practices can improve soil health, reduce reliance on agrochemicals and increase the carbon sequestering capacity of soils. Today, carbon markets are driving the need for cheap, credible and consistent soil carbon measurements to verify carbon stocks and aid the transition to sustainable farming.

Read more about soil carbon ➜

The Problem

Measuring soil carbon is either expensive or inaccurate. Lab-based approaches provide higher accuracy although soil preparation and analysis is time consuming, laborious, and expensive. Field approaches are fast and cheap but take shallow samples that don’t account for all the necessary measurement criteria, such as depth and bulk density. Carbon markets have valued soil carbon as a low cost solution. Without a cheap and accurate method for soil measurement there will be no incentive for farmers to make the transition to sustainable agriculture.

Why Agricarbon?

Agricarbon is developing a solution to rapidly measure soil carbon with lab standard accuracy.

Dynamic team The team is impressively balanced combining commercial, strategy and farming experience with in- depth soil sampling field knowledge. 

Unparalleled technological approach Together, they devised a three step product for measuring soil carbon to a gold standard level.

  • GIS algorithms developed by scientists to predict and optimise the soil sample sites.

  • Patented core extraction method removes intact 1m soil cores. 

  • Automated lab analysis processes quantify soil carbon at unrivalled speed.

The reduced soil preparation time and cost, the depth and integrity of soil carbon analysis and the automated workflow brings Agricarbon to the cutting edge amongst their competitors. 

Repeatable solution The solution is wrapped up in a repeatable end-to-end process equipped to consistently measure soil carbon dynamics over decades. 

Building soil carbon data Agricarbon is collating the world's largest soil sample dataset, aiming to unlock the value of soil carbon as a nature based solution and catalyse the adoption of carbon smart farming practices.

Agricarbon website ➜




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